The SAT is a popular college entrance exam, used by US schools to see how well versed you are in reading, writing, and math. The test is mostly multiple choice, and each section is timed. This article will cover some of the key strategies that can help you to improve your SAT score.

1. Read each question and prompt CAREFULLY.
Skimming through questions can be tempting before the time limit is up, but you can often miss important details throughout the passage. Make sure you take your time to read each question, so you know exactly what you’re looking for, and read the prompt too, as it can sometimes have helpful information.
2. For questions that require a supporting quote, find the quote FIRST.
When writing an essay, you’ll usually find evidence for your point first, so you can develop your point better. This same tactic can be applied to your SAT. By reading through all the quotes given in the following question, you can pick the best answer that supports one of the options the best from the first question.
3. NEVER leave questions blank.
You don’t lose marks for getting a question wrong, but you do lose potential marks for not answering a question. Guessing can score you an extra few points, and even if you have no clue what the answer is, if you guess blindly, you have a 25% chance of picking the right answer.
4. Use the process of ELIMINATION.
While you can blindly guess questions, approaching guessing with a strategy is one of the most effective ways to raise your score. Eliminate the answers that you know are wrong. That way, you have a much higher chance of selecting the correct answer, so you can easily increase your scores.
If you don’t know how to solve a question, working backwards can sometimes help you determine which is the right answer. When solving for a variable, putting each possible answer into the equation can help you narrow down your options and solve the equation, with very little knowledge of how to solve it using a formula.
6. Skip questions you don’t UNDERSTAND.
These questions can waste a lot of your time, so make sure that if you don’t understand a question, circle it in your question booklet, and come back to it. This way, you can work on it if you have extra time, but if you don’t, at least you would’ve been able to answer the questions you already understood, giving you a higher score overall. Also, you would be able to dedicate more time to figuring out the answer instead of just guessing.
7. Read the questions BEFORE reading the passage.
This is an easier strategy to implement, but can help you get the test done faster. By skimming through the questions first, then reading the passage, you’ll know what to look for, and you’ll be able to pick out more relevant information to each question, so you don’t have to search for it when answering questions.
8. Manage your TIME.
Time management is extremely important in the SAT, as there is a tight deadline for each of the sections. Make sure you are aware of the time, but don’t focus on the time, because then you’ll lose focus from the test. Finish the questions you understand first, then attempt the ones that you don’t. Also, don’t rush answers just because the time limit is almost up, make sure to use all the time you can to answer the questions you are confident that you can solve correctly.
9. Do more PRACTICE!
Practice is the most important part of the SAT! Because some questions can be unfamiliar, writing the test without any practice can be difficult. However, if you prepare and practice for the test, getting a good score on your test can be easy! Make sure to spend time every week practicing questions that may appear on your SAT. Math and English homework can be very useful for developing some of these skills, so make sure to complete homework and do extra practice for questions that you are unsure about! This will help you to improve in those areas.
How Can You Practice?
The CollegeBoard puts up several practice tests a year, and KhanAcademy has free practice resources that can help you prepare for the SAT. However, if you want more practice…
The Anonymous Helpers will be launching an SAT section on our website! We will post tips, practice tests, and more on that page, so you can be ready for the SAT next year! We’ll let you know when it’s ready. However, for now, we are working on the first practice test that will launch with the SAT page. Can’t wait for everyone to try it!
Good luck on future SAT exams!
Written by Overclocked RGB
The Anonymous Helpers (TAH)